I’m in my 50s, my child will be in high school next year, and any care-giving responsibilities have ended. So now what?
I was the youngest in my family by a fair amount and had my daughter at almost 39. So my life was the definition of “The Sandwich Generation.” I had a toddler, a mother, and a maiden aunt to look after (My dad died young of Cancer).
After my mom died, my dad’s sister began to show signs of Vascular Dementia. For about 5 years I was her primary caregiver. Those years were crazy! After my aunt passed away, I struggled for a while about what I was supposed to do. I did a few things in the theater. Then Covid-19 hit and we were stuck at home. I felt completely useless.
I figured out that this is a great time of life. I can do whatever I want. I can be whoever I want when I grow up. So I choose to be a writer. I have wanted to write more for many years, but didn’t have the time to dedicate to really learning how to do it well.
So now in 2021, I am declaring myself a freelance writer (already have a couple of gigs) and an aspiring author.
I write about caring for my aunt with dementia and am working on some sort of book around the topic of caregiving.
I also have some fiction nuggets that have been rolling around in my head for many years. Now I hope to develop and write these stories down.
Other things I like to write about:
- Crafts
- Parenting
- Staying happy and positive while living with depression and anxiety
- Growing up in a big, Irish Catholic family
- The perils of being a newbie writer
- The performing arts
Any other topics you would like to see? Drop me a comment below and let me know.
Thanks for stopping by! Here’s to a happy and healthy 2021 to all!