
What I Read in 2023

I am a very slow reader. This is especially a problem when I read things for writer friends. They could have come out with two sequels before I give feedback on a first draft!  I see some posts of readers who read 50 or more books a year. Good for them!  I can’t imagine that.  […]


First Read of 2024

My First Read of 2024 The first book I chose to read in 2024 is (drumroll) The Lions of 5th Avenue by Fiona Davis. (Stadium level cheering heard here).   This won’t be a review because I am a painfully slow reader. I am only 46% finished, according to my Kindle reader. However, I was […]


Snowy Day, Not Snow Day

Snowy day, Not Snow Day Two of the most glorious words in the English language, if you grew up in New England, are Snow Day! If there was a storm, we jumped out of bed, ran to the window, and hoped that the white ensemble worn by the trees, lawn, and pavement was enough to […]


Hello World!

I’m in my 50s, my child will be in high school next year, and any care-giving responsibilities have ended. So now what? I was the youngest in my family by a fair amount and had my daughter at almost 39. So my life was the definition of “The Sandwich Generation.” I had a toddler, a […]